Paris McKenzie, 16 year old entrepreneur, who owns Paris Beauty Supplyz, Brooklyn, NY.Theta Sorors support Paris McKenzie and her new business.Theta Xinos and Tanisha Dorvil, Youth Advisor, meet Paris and learn a lot about entrepreneurship during their visit.On October 15th, Cathleen Snyder, Theta Basileus, and Yvette Wilds, Theta Tamias, rock the tee to “Get out the Vote!”Renée Cook and Jewel Mendoza recently inducted Theta Sorors.Theta Sorors meet ar Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY with recently inducted Sorors to receive their pins and bags.Soror Louise Moore, Theta Life Member with her mentee Renee Cook.Theta Sorors get the pins and certificates at an outdoor gathering in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY.Theta Sorors: Jewel Mendoza, Renee Cook, and Karen Bull, Youth Advisor, receive their Eastern Regional Conference 2020 1st Time Attendees certificate and gift.