Author: admin

94th NSPDK Conclave on July 15-21, 2017
The 94th NSPDK Conclave held July 15-21, 2017, Little Rock, Arkansas. Theta had 8 sorors in attendance, and we carried the spirit, love, and energy to share with all sorors! ☆ Soror Florence, President, NSPDK Perpetual Scholarship Foundation, Inc. conducting a meeting. ☆ Theta Sorors upon arrival to the Marriott (Yvette W. and Marsha) ☆ Theta Sorors visit the Little Rock Nine statues on the grounds of the Capitol building. ☆ Theta Sorors visit and tour the William Clinton Presidential Library.

NSPDK Founders’ Day 2017
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa: Theta Chapter of Brooklyn, New York
On Sunday, May 21, 2017, Theta Sorors Christie, Grant, Powell, Sealey, Ware, and Wynn joined sorors of Alpha Chapter and Beta Omicron
Chapter in observance of Founders’ Day in Jersey City, New Jersey. We attended a church service at Monumental Baptist Church where we heard a very inspirational message based upon Chapters 3 and 4 of the book of Acts. Our Ritualistic Service was held at Rita and Joes Restaurant which was followed by a delicious lunch.
94th Conclave
The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. 94th Conclave held in Little Rock, Arkansas
July 15th – 20th, 2017
Theta Chapter
The 11 Theta Chapter Sorors in attendance toured the city, participated in the Eastern Region presentations, dined out, and had a great time.

Spring 2017 Krinon Funfest
The National Sorority Of Phi Delta Kappa: Theta Chapter
Jazz Night
The Reality Group Presents An Evening of Jazz: 2017 pdf Jazz Night Flyer

Eastern Region Conference 2017
Eastern Region Conference: April 21, 22, & 23, 2017